small changes to be less wasteful

I remember when I first started reading about wastefulness and it totally overwhelmed me. I didn’t realise just how much of it was present in every day living and I wanted to change the way I did things to stop feeding it. Of course, I was upcycling dresses and selling vintage which supported the circular fashion cycle but there was so much more to be done.

So instead of feeling overwhelmed, I decided to start with small changes instead and gradually increase. I wanted to basically change my habits.

The three immediate things I did were;

  • Replacing disposable cotton pads with washable ones.

  • Replacing clingfilm (so much unnecessary plastic!) with beeswax sheets.

  • Replacing pads/tampons with a menstrual cup instead. The one in the photo is by Organicup and I totally wish I knew about cups years ago!!!

These small changes have made a huge difference in regards to accumulating waste and also on my bank account!! There are so many positives associated with sustainable living that there is no reason why more people should be doing it.


i fell down the sustainable rabbit hole


collaboration: alexandra leigh